Luca Chiaverano talks about how his activity is changed thanks to the Easykon products
Activities and expertise
I am Luca Chiaverano, I have been a home automation and smart home enthusiast for years and it’s been 15 years that I transformed this passion into my job. I am a system integrator, in particular I create home automation systems for houses of civil use.
Type of systems installed and business approach
In the last 6 years I worked just on cabled bus KNX or MyHome SCS by BTicino plants creating home automation systems and some smart ones. My approach is to listen to the customers’ needs to present them the complete solution that can allow them to live the home exactly as they want, and, sometimes, overcome their expectations. Working with home automation systems most of my customers are young, thrilled to have a smart home and they can’t wait to try new technologies. In these last years, however, I also upgraded some “older” systems that belonged to not so young customers. Them too, after some initial mistrust caused by the fear that controlling the smart plant would be difficult, changed their mind and now they manage the home with simplicity and naturalness.
Easykon in your job
When Easykon for KNX came out in the market I immediately tested it in my home, to understand, first hand how the installation and configuration were and all its functionalities. The first thing I noticed has been the simplicity in the configuration. Some time laters, when Easykon for MyHome was launched, this product has even simplified this part of my job, because for the MyHome SCS by BTicino plants it is fast and automatic And also, both products of the Easykon family allow my customers to use Apple, Google and Amazon applications and voice assistants to control their smart home. They are Apps that the customers already have on their smartphones, so they don’t have to download anything and, most of all, they are platforms that they already use. So I don’t have to explain to them how to manage the system, my customers are immediately capable of commanding the different devices, creating routines and automations, all things that were difficult and long to explain before.
A Project where you used Easykon for MyHome
Some time ago a customer contacted me and he wanted to add some smart thermostats to his plant. Once arrived to his house, I noticed that he had a MyHome system, so other than installing the thermostats, I made all the plant smart with Easykon for MyHome. And that is not it, the customer had some wireless devices that he controlled with Alexa App and voice assistant, I manage to integrate the system, the thermostats and the other IoT devices in Amazon platform, so that he now manages all the house with the same service.
I installed Easykon for MyHome also to my dad, who is not so young anymore. At the beginning he hadn’t quite understood the advantages of having a system controlled with voice commands, but after a few days he got used to it and now he controls everything with his voice and he is very happy with it.