Easykon for KNX in action: the video tutorial from Poseidwn Tech
Poseidwn Tech is a group of installers and online tech content creators, who have installed and tried our Easykon for KNX. Theodoros, a member of the team who has dealt with this project, has said he is enthusiastic about the results obtained with the Freedompro product, and has decided to show us the results of its installation in a video.
From the turning on of the lights through the voice assistant Siri, to the activation of the alarm through Home Assistant, to the creation of scenes and automations linked to external entities through IFTTT, Poseidwn Tech shows us some examples of how Easykon for KNX can be used practically, in daily life.
In the video you will see:
Easykon for KNX’s use examples
Pairing with Apple HomeKit
Pairing with Amazon Alexa
Pairing with the Google Assistant
Integration with IFTTT
Integration with Home Assistant
Final feedback