Freedompro smart home remote control app gets an update: new features and innovative new look
Official Freedompro app for remote control of smart home gets an upgrade.
Following its release in the late fall, here is the first major update of the smart app "Freedompro."
From the smart home to the home autopilot
Until now, this app was available in its first version, giving little more than a sneak peek of the full potential that Freedompro entire smart ecosystem will provide to users over the next year. Releasing this new update, immediately available, meant numerous new features. A real leap forward toward smart home autopilot, which is a clear goal set by the company.
Your smart home bugs solvers
First hurdle faced and overcome by version 1.1 of the Freedompro app was system bug fixes.
Freedompro app: innovative design
Graphically, on the other hand, the new update to the Freedompro smart home control app involved two major new features.
Pairing Freedompro products with the app is getting easier
The first includes a graphical and conceptual overhaul of the pairing process, with the aim of making the matching of Freedompro smart modules even more straightforward than before. With this new version, Freedompro wants to provide users with better usability of their connected relays. By speeding up the pairing process, therefore, it will be possible to start enjoying your smart home even faster than it already was.
Better manage smart homes and rooms
The second big news, however, concerns the introduction of the new version of the room carousel. Meaning? Super easy, we'll explain it now
With the new update to the app, Freedompro has redesigned and rebranded the room carousel, giving it an even more unique and eye-catching look, effectively making it extremely immediate and pleasant to recognize each room in your home.
Is this enough? Absolutely not.
When creating rooms, the "All" section bordered by a partition will appear at the beginning of the carousel, acting as a container room for all accessories. Next, immediately after the divider, ad hoc user-created rooms will take their place in the user-designed order.
Should there be any accessories without a room, the "Default" room will appear next to "All," which will contain all those accessories that do not belong to a home room.
New customization options
Thanks to the new update of the Freedompro app, it will be possible to customize the name of the module paired with the app and installed in your home and make it even easier and more intuitive. This will make it much easier and more immediate to identify modules and accessories.
New remote control features for Easykon as well
Now we come to the last big news in version 1.1 of the Freedompro smart home remote control app. And look out, drum roll... it's about the launch of new remote control possibilities from the app for accessories paired with Easykon.
Check outlets and dry contacts in real time with the Freedompro app
In short, we've finally expanded Easykon's reach on board our official app as well. Right now, as well as turning lights off or on or raising and lowering shutters, you will be able to manage and control power sockets or generic dry contact switch type accessory connected to Easykon from the Freedompro app totally.
Time to dim your lights
That's not all: there is also the possibility to also manage and dim the intensity of the lights connected to Easykon and featured on the Freedompro app thanks to the introduction of the new dimmer function.
Avoid waste and reduce consumption with energy metering
In addition, all consumption of each accessory connected to both Freedompro Modules and Easykon for KNX or Easykon for MyHome will be tracked and you will be able to view them on the main screen.
That's it as far as this update is concerned... of course we are already working hard to bring brand new updates as soon as possible!
Now it's time to say goodbye, but we'll talk again soon...