Easykon works with the latest BTicino update
A breath of fresh air around BTicino following the new update and the move to the new Home + Control app, Easykon for MyHome by Freedompro is already compatible.
At the beginning of April, BTicino released a big and much discussed update regarding the web server MyHomeServer1. With this latest update, BTicino thus transfers the control and management of the MyHome system from the historical MyHome_Up app to the new Home + Control.
Following this migration, the communication protocol of MyHomeServer1 has changed, causing many problems among users.
In this regard, you can rest assured because Freedompro has already taken timely action to release an update for Easykon for MyHome. The update of Easykon for MyHome is automatic, so it does not require your intervention to fix it. In fact, while you are reading these lines your device will have already been automatically updated to the latest available version (1.3.5.).
So you can continue to use Easykon without having to do anything!
Still have some doubts? Don't worry, call our customer service or email support@freedompro.eu.