
How Easykon improves BTicino MyHome home automation system

How Easykon improves BTicino MyHome home automation system

The BTicino MyHome home automation system is considered among the best wired home automation systems around, with systems installed mainly in Europe and South America. However, limitations have often made homeowners want more flexibility and control. That's why Freedompro Easykon for MyHome comes, a bridge-type smart device that seamlessly integrates voice commands, remote control and automations into all BTicino MyHome home automation systems built since 2000.

How does Easykon for MyHome enhance the home automation experience? Turning the BTicino MyHome home automation home into a true smart home with a wide range of compatible IoT devices, apps, and voice assistants.

Easykon for MyHome: compatible with all apps

Easykon for MyHome smart bridge device is designed to perfectly work with all BTicino MyHome installations, ensuring a hassle-free integration and setup process. It has undergone a rigorous certification program to guarantee its reliability and compatibility with best smart platform, such as Apple HomeKit, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, IFTTT,  and Home Assistant.

Control BTicino MyHome home automation with voice commands, remote control and automations

Easykon for MyHome is compatible and certified by all the best smart platform to manage and control the smart home. It allows you to effortlessly connect your BTicino MyHome home automation system to best voice assistants, such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri.

Moreover, imagine controlling your lights, shutters, blinds, heating systems, and many other devices with simple voice commands, or adjusting settings whenever and wherever you are through a user-friendly mobile app like the Freedompro app, Apple Home, Google Home or Alexa. You can also complete the pairing with IFTTT and Home Assistant for better set up endless possibilities of automations and scenes.

Easykon for MyHome convenience is really unmatched.

Requirements for installing Easykon for MyHome

To take advantage of the benefits offered by Easykon for MyHome, very few key components are needed. First of all, it is obvious that you need to live in a house with BTicino MyHome home automation system. Secondly, it is essential to obtain a power supply.

Third necessary step to proceed with the installation of Easykon for MyHome is to buy a compatible gateway (you can find one by consulting this list), such as the MH201.

Once these requirements are met, Easykon can be easily installed, configured, and connected to your voice assistant and favorite apps.

Easykon for MyHome: best smart device for BTicino MyHome home automation

One of the most interesting things about Easykon for MyHome is its exceptional value for money. Compared to alternative solutions on the market, Easykon offers an affordable way to upgrade and enhance your BTicino MyHome home automation system. Easykon unlocks the power of voice control, mobile app integration and IoT compatibility without breaking the bank.

What are you waiting for? Easykon for MyHome smart device bridge is a smart investment that adds huge value and features to your BTicino MyHome home automation system.

Read also: How to solve MyHome SCS home automation system problems



How Easykon enhances KNX home automation system
Remote control your switches

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