
Take Control of Your Garden with Freedompro’s Smart Irrigation Technology

Steuern Sie die Gartenbewässerung mit der smart...

Hitzewellen dauern länger und werden immer extremer, begleitet von schweren Dürren und plötzlichen sintflutartigen Regenfällen. Nicht gerade das ideale Klima, um den Garten gesund und grün zu halten, oder?

Steuern Sie die Gartenbewässerung mit der smart...

Hitzewellen dauern länger und werden immer extremer, begleitet von schweren Dürren und plötzlichen sintflutartigen Regenfällen. Nicht gerade das ideale Klima, um den Garten gesund und grün zu halten, oder?

How to Monitor Energy Consumption at Home to Avoid Waste

Wie man den Energieverbrauch zu Hause überwacht...

Warum ist es heute wichtiger denn je, den Energieverbrauch zu Hause zu überwachen? Um Verschwendung zu vermeiden, natürlich, aber was bedeutet das genau? Zunächst einmal hilft das Bewusstsein für den...

Wie man den Energieverbrauch zu Hause überwacht...

Warum ist es heute wichtiger denn je, den Energieverbrauch zu Hause zu überwachen? Um Verschwendung zu vermeiden, natürlich, aber was bedeutet das genau? Zunächst einmal hilft das Bewusstsein für den...

Future developments in the Smart Home: what to expect?

Future developments in the Smart Home: what to ...

In this article, we will focus on the continuing evolution of this technology: the ability to manage the home in an innovative and convenient way is of great interest to...

Future developments in the Smart Home: what to ...

In this article, we will focus on the continuing evolution of this technology: the ability to manage the home in an innovative and convenient way is of great interest to...

Smart home on the road: manage your home remotely while on vacation

Smart home on the road: manage your home remote...

Summer vacation means fun and relax. That time when you can switch off your mind and enjoy the luxury of "worry-free" living at least for a few days.

Smart home on the road: manage your home remote...

Summer vacation means fun and relax. That time when you can switch off your mind and enjoy the luxury of "worry-free" living at least for a few days.

Track the power consumption of your accessories with Freedompro Home

Track the power consumption of your accessories...

We recently updated the Freedompro Home app introducing the "Consumption" section, which allows you to keep an eye on the energy consumption of devices and accessories connected to Freedompro Smart Modules.

Track the power consumption of your accessories...

We recently updated the Freedompro Home app introducing the "Consumption" section, which allows you to keep an eye on the energy consumption of devices and accessories connected to Freedompro Smart Modules.

The 5 best automations to set up in summer: the last one you can't miss!

The 5 best automations to set up in summer: the...

With the arrival of summer, mugginess and intense heat, performing the most common daily activities can be even more tiring than usual.

The 5 best automations to set up in summer: the...

With the arrival of summer, mugginess and intense heat, performing the most common daily activities can be even more tiring than usual.