
How to install and configure Easykon for MyHome? Seby Torrisi tells us

How to install and configure Easykon for MyHome? Seby Torrisi tells us

Seby Torrisi, YouTuber specialized in electrical and computer DIY, installed and configured our Easykon for MyHome.

Easykon for MyHome is the server that combines all BTicino MyHome SCS systems, old or new, with the best smart home platforms.

In the video you can see, step by step, all the stages to connect all BTicino MyHome SCS systems to the Apps and voice assistants of Apple, Google, Amazon Alexa and IFTTT.

Here's a list of everything you'll see in the video with the minutes alongside so you can get straight into the information you need.

In this video you will see:

  • Easykon for MyHome installation on the MyHome SCS by BTicino system (01:24)
  • IP address search and access to configuration panel (03:37)
  • Light accessory configuration (04:54)
  • Window covering accessory configuration (05:45)
  • Apple HomeKit and Siri pairing (06:23)
  • Freedompro Cloud pairing (08:03)
  • Google Home and Google Assistant pairing (09:21)
  • Amazon Alexa pairing (10:16)
  • Automation creation with IFTTT (11:12)
  • Final test with live update of the 4 worlds (13:47)

Reading next

Alessio Vannuzzi talks about his experience with Easykon for KNX
API Freedompro: control our products as you want

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