KNX programming: instruction manual
If you want to find out more about KNX programming, you are in the right place.
First of all, you should know that KNX is an open standard for commercial and domestic building automation. KNX devices can manage different types of devices including lighting, blinds and shutters, HVAC, security systems, energy management, sensors and much more.
KNX devices are commonly connected by a twisted pair bus and can be modified from a controller. The bus is routed to the electrical power supply to all devices and systems on the network linking sensors, controllers, actuators and system devices and components.
We want to give you a general overview of KNX programming, whether you are passionate about the smart home or an installer looking to discover the KNX world. Remember we are always at your disposal if you have questions about KNX programming, or on how to connect your KNX home automation system with the best smart home platforms such as Google Assistant, Apple HomeKit and Amazon Alexa, Home Assistant and IFTTT.
Once you have installed the KNX system, connecting it over a KNX IP interface, such as Easykon for KNX, you need to have software to program your KNX installation.
To proceed with KNX programming, you need a software called ETS, for which a license is necessary: the latest version of this software is ETS6. On the official KNX website you can compare the different ETS versions and find the one that best suits your needs. If you wish to begin with a trial version, you can use the ETS free version as a demo.
After having acquired a KNX interface, such as Easykon for KNX , an ETS software, you can start programming your system.
First of all, you can find all devices (both the KNX ones and those from other manufacturers) in the device catalogue: here, the device product data will give you an exact definition of how to use the device during programming. From the device catalogue, drag and drop the device data to a building structure which defines the structure of your building.
At this point you can create group addresses - commands that devices can trigger or listen to in order to complete an action based on their value - and use them later to connect them to different communication objects. Then drag and drop the group addresses onto the communication objects in order to establish communication between the devices.
You can configure the devices’ parameters in the parameters tab on the device details view. Now you can download the newly created configuration simply by clicking the download button: you will get a KNX project file to upload to your installation.
At this point you can improve your KNX installation by adding even more IoT devices and add control through voice commands or apps. Our product, Easykon for KNX, makes this easy to obtain. If you want more information on how to manage your KNX home automation system with smart platforms, visit the following pages on our website:
- Works with Apple HomeKit
- Works with Amazon Alexa
- Works with Google Assistant
- Works with IFTTT
- Works with Home Assistant
We hope that this brief guide to KNX programming helped you better understand how a KNX home automation system works. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!